[] Image Editors/Viewers []

o Misc
o Gimp
o JPEG-2000
o ImageMagick
o Xpaint
o Xv

AVIEW 1.1 (14-NOV-1997)

Ascii Art Image Viewer - Author: Jan Hubicka hubicka@limax.paru.cas.cz
Licence: Gnu GeneralPublic Licence
VAX: DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1 - Alpha: DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.2

aview is an high quality ascii-art image(pnm) browser and animation(fli/flc) player usefull especially with lynx browser.

Aview 1.1 from CNAM
Asci Art Project Web Page
Aview 1.1 Screenshots

VGP 1.1 (30-NOV-1995)

Vector Globe Projection - Author: Rick Niles
Licence: GNU Generam Public Licence
VAX: VAX C 3.2 , VMS 5.5-2 , Motif 1.1 - Alpha: DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1, Motif 1.2

Vector Globe Projection is a tool for engineers, scientists, or anyone that deals with series of R3 (3-dimensional) vectors. (A vector of vectors so to speak.) The usual case is a set of these n x 3 matrices with one representing time and the others representing other signals like momentum or velocity, changing with time. It could also represent a partial attitude, by the vector representing e.g. the Y-axis of the body with respect to an inertia frame.

Vgp 1.1 from CNAM
Vgp 1.1 Screenshot

XDIM 2.3 (2-JUN-1995)

Visualization of 2D datafields - Author: Walter Benzing
Licence: Free usage - See Copyright notices
VAX: VAX C 3.2 or DEC C , VMS 6.1 - Alpha: DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1 - Motif 1.2

XDim is a Motif application, which allows you to visualize 2D-Datafields. In the julia subdirectory there is an example application how to write a program with a data interface suitable to xdim.

Xdim 2.3 from CNAM
Xdim 2.3 Screenshot

XLI 1.16 (23-AUG-1994)

X11 Image Loading Utility - Author: Graeme Gill
Licence: None specified.
VAX: VAX C 3.2, VMs 5.5-2 - Alpha: DEC C 4.0, VMS 6.1

xli is a version of xloadimage. This utility will view several types of images under X11, or load images onto the X11 root window. Note: TGA and Photo CD formats are supported (but not TIFF)

Xli 1.16 from CNAM

XLOADIMAGE 4.1 (27-NOV-1993)

X11 Loading Image Utility - Author: Jim Frost
Licence: Free usage - See Copyright notices
VAX: VAX C 3.2, VMS 5.5-2

This utility will view several types of images under X11, load images onto the root window, or dump processed images into one of several image file formats. The current version can read many different image file types; for a complete list type "xloadimage -supported". TIFF and JPEG are supported.

Xloadimage 4.1 from CNAM

XMGR 3.01 PL7 (26-SEP-1996)

X/MOTIF Plotting Tool - Author: Paul J Turner
Licence: Free usage - See COPYRIGHT. file
Alpha: DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1, Motif 1.2-3 Eco7

This is Xmgr Release 3.01pl7, a plotting tool for workstations using X/Motif.

Xmgr 3.01 from CNAM
Xmgr 3.01 Screenshots


Screen Tuning Tool - Author: Martin Vicente vicente@cena.dgac.fr
Licence: GNU General Public Licence
VAX: DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1 - Alpha: DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1

Xmire displays a grid (in various colors) for tuning your screen

Xmire 1.3 from CNAM
Xmire 1.3 Screenshot

XTHING (9-MAY-1995)

Displaying 3D data in 2D - Author: John L. Cwikla
Licence: Free Usage - See Copyright Notices
VAX: VAC C 3.2 or DEC C 4.0, VMS 6.1 - Alpha: DEC C 4.0, VMS 6.1

XTHING is a tool for the use of displaying 3D data in 2D. XTHING takes a file of data and plots it in n-1 colors where n is the number of colors available on the display. It compresses points either linearly or logarithmically, displays the data in color (HSB) or gray scale, zooms, and does period repeats of the image. It also outputs in postscript (which post.c might be handy for a slew of programs...)

Xthing from CNAM
Xthing Screenshot

XTIFF 2.0 (13-FEB-1995)

Universal Tiff Image Viewer - Authors: Dan & Chris Sears - Digital
Licence: free usage adn distribution - See Copyright notice in source file
VAX: VAX C 3.2 VMS 5.5-2, Motif 1.1 - Alpha: DEC C 4.0, VMS 6.1, Motif 1.2
(Needs XAW, XMU and XVMSUTILS libraries for rebuild)

xtiff is a tool for viewing a TIFF file (mono or multi-images) in an X window. It was written to handle as many different kinds of TIFF files as possible while remaining simple, portable and efficient. VMS binaries are provided.

Xtiff from CNAM
Xtiff Screenshot

XPGS 2.5 (12-MAR-1995)

Stereograms Generator and Viewer - Authors: Peter Chang, Gareth Richards
Licence: Free usage and distribution - See Copyright notices
VAX: DEC C 4.0, VMS 6.1 - Alpha: DEC C 4.0, VMS 6.1

A suite of programs to design, generate and animate SIRDS for the X Window System, and output SIS or autostereograms in a variety of formats

Xpgs 2.5 from CNAM
Xpgs 2.5 Screenshot

GIMP 1.0 Beta VMS Port (21-DEC-1998)

Gnu Image Manipulation Program - Authors: Spencer Kimball spencer@xcf.berkeley.edu
Peter Mattis petm@xcf.berkeley.edu
Licence: Gnu General Public Licence
VAX: Not yet built - Alpha: DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2

GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software suitable for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

Notes: Only the Gimp kernel is working well actually. Plug-ins are not available, even for reading or writing file formats other than the default format XCF.

The Gimp Web Page
The Gimp 1.0 Screenshot

JASPER 1.500.4 (24-FEBRUARY-2002)

JPEG-2000 Codec - Authors: Michael Adams (and others) University Of British Columbia, Image Power Inc.
License: Non commercial use only (see LICENSE file)
VAX: Not tested - Alpha: DEC C 6.2, VMS 7.2-1

   The JasPer software is a collection of utilities for image coding.
   Arguably, the most useful utility in the JasPer suite is the
   transcoder program. This particular program accepts image data in one
   format and generates image data in another format. The JasPer software
   can handle image data in a number of popular formats, including JPEG
   2000, PNM/PGM/PPM, Windows BMP, and Sun Rasterfile. Since the
   JPEG-2000 format is supported, the transcoder program can be used as a
   JPEG-2000 encoder or decoder.
Jasper 1.500.4 from DECWarch
Jasper 1.500.4 from CNAM
Jasper Project Home Page

JASPER 1.200 (28-MAY-2001)

JPEG-2000 Codec - Authors: Michael Adams (and others) University Of British Columbia, Image Power Inc.
License: Non commercial use only (see LICENSE file)
VAX: Not tested - Alpha: DEC C 6.2, VMS 7.2-1

   The JasPer software is a collection of utilities for image coding.
   Arguably, the most useful utility in the JasPer suite is the
   transcoder program. This particular program accepts image data in one
   format and generates image data in another format. The JasPer software
   can handle image data in a number of popular formats, including JPEG
   2000, PNM/PGM/PPM, Windows BMP, and Sun Rasterfile. Since the
   JPEG-2000 format is supported, the transcoder program can be used as a
   JPEG-2000 encoder or decoder.
Jasper 1.200 from CNAM
Jasper Project Home Page

IMAGEMAGICK 5.1.0 (8-JAN-2000)

Image Processor and Viewer - Author: John Cristy magick@wizards.dupont.com
Licence: Free Software (see Copyright notices in source files).
VAX: DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2 - Alpha : DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2

   ImageMagick TM, version 5.1.0, is a robust collection of tools
   and libraries to read, write, and manipulate an image in any of
   the more popular image formats including GIF, JPEG, PNG, PDF,
   and Photo CD. With ImageMagick you can create GIFs dynamically
   making it suitable for Web applications.

   You can also resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce, or add
   special effects to an image and save your completed work in the
   same or differing image format.

   You can access ImageMagick functions directly from the command
   line using the ImageMagick tools convert, mogrify, montage,
   combine, or identify. Use the display program to interactively
   manipulate your images or animate an image sequence from a
   graphical panel. Finally you have access to the various image
   processing methods directly from your favorite application
   development environment: Perl, C++, C, or Java. These programs
   and much more are explained by following the links from this
   page or read the ImageMagick Users Guide.
ImageMagick 5.1.0 sources from DECWarch
ImageMagick 5.1.0 sources from CNAM
ImageMagick new Web Page

IMAGEMAGICK 4.2.1 (13-MAR-1999)

Image Processor and Viewer - Author: John Cristy magick@wizards.dupont.com
Licence: Free Software (see Copyright notices in source files).
VAX: DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2 - Alpha : DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2

ImageMagick, version 4.2.1, is a package for display and interactive manipulation of images for the X Window System. It is written in C and interfaces to the X library, and therefore does not require any proprietary toolkit in order to compile. Although the software is copyrighted, it is available for free and can be redistributed without fee.

The ImageMagick image display program can display an image on any workstation screen running an X server. It can read and write many of the many of the more popular image formats including JPEG, TIFF, PNM, GIF, and Photo CD. In addition you can interactively resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce, or add special effects to an image and save your completed work. In addition to the image display program, ImageMagick also has command line programs that perform many functions and efefcts.

ImageMagick 4.2.1 sources from CNAM
ImageMagick Web Page

IMAGEMAGICK 3.8.5 (10-MAY-1997)

Image Processor and Viewer - Author: John Cristy magick@wizards.dupont.com
Licence: Free Software (see Copyright notices in source files).
VAX: DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1 - Alpha : DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.2

ImageMagick, version 3.8.5, is a package for display and interactive manipulation of images for the X Window System. It is written in C and interfaces to the X library, and therefore does not require any proprietary toolkit in order to compile. Although the software is copyrighted, it is available for free and can be redistributed without fee.

The ImageMagick image display program can display an image on any workstation screen running an X server. It can read and write many of the many of the more popular image formats including JPEG, TIFF, PNM, GIF, and Photo CD. In addition you can interactively resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce, or add special effects to an image and save your completed work. In addition to the image display program, ImageMagick also has command line programs that perform many functions and efefcts.

ImageMagick 3.8.5 sources from CNAM
ImageMagick Web Page
ImageMagick 3.8.5 Screenshots
ImageMagick 3.8.5 VAX binaries from CNAM
ImageMagick 3.8.5 Alpha binaries from CNAM

IMAGEMAGICK 3.7.1 (30-JAN-1996)

Image Processor and Viewer - Author: John Cristy magick@wizards.dupont.com
Licence: Free Software (see Copyright notices in source files).
VAX: VAX C 3.2, VMS 5.5-2 - DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1 - Alpha : DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1

ImageMagick, version 3.7.1, is a package for display and interactive manipulation of images for the X Window System. It is written in C and interfaces to the X library, and therefore does not require any proprietary toolkit in order to compile. Although the software is copyrighted, it is available for free and can be redistributed without fee.

Binaries are not provided (only tiff, jpeg, xpm, mpeg, png and zlib olb libraries).

ImageMagick 3.7.1 sources from CNAM
ImageMagick Web Page

IMAGEMAGICK 3.6 (7-MAR-1995)

Image Processor and Viewer - Author: John Cristy magick@wizards.dupont.com
Licence: Free Software (see Copyright notices in source files).
VAX: VAX C 3.2, VMS 5.5-2 - DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1 - Alpha : DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1

ImageMagick, version 3.6, is a package for display and interactive manipulation of images for the X Window System. It is written in C and interfaces to the X library, and therefore does not require any proprietary toolkit in order to compile. Although the software is copyrighted, it is available for free and can be redistributed without fee.

Binaries are not provided (only tiff, jpeg, xpm, mpeg, png and zlib olb libraries).

ImageMagick 3.6 sources from CNAM
ImageMagick Web Page

IMAGEMAGICK 2.3.6 (28-MAR-1994)

Image Processor and Viewer - Author: John Cristy magick@wizards.dupont.com
Licence: Free Software (see Copyright notices in source files).
VAX: VAX C 3.2, VMS 5.5-2

ImageMagick, version 2.3.6, is a package for display and interactive manipulation of images for the X Window System. It is written in C and interfaces to the X library, and therefore does not require any proprietary toolkit in order to compile. Although the software is copyrighted, it is available for free and can be redistributed without fee.

First port of ImageMagick under VMS. VAX binaries are provided for all utilities.

ImageMagick 2.3.6 sources from CNAM

XPAINT 2.6.1 (05-MAR-2001)

X11 Paint Tool - Author: David Koblas koblas@netcom.com
Maintainers: Scott D. Nelson nelson18@llnl.gov , Torsten Martinsen torsten@image.dk
VAX: DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2 - Alpha: DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2

XPaint is a color image-editing tool that features most standard paint program options. It allows for the editing of multiple images simultaneously and supports various formats, including PPM, XBM, TIFF, etc.

Xpaint 2.6.1 from DECWarch
Xpaint 2.6.1 from CNAM
Xpaint Web Page
Xpaint 2.5.3 Screenshots

XPAINT 2.5.7 (17-FEB-2000)

X11 Paint Tool - Author: David Koblas koblas@netcom.com
Maintainers: Scott D. Nelson nelson18@llnl.gov , Torsten Martinsen torsten@image.dk
VAX: DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2 - Alpha: DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2

XPaint is a color image-editing tool that features most standard paint program options. It allows for the editing of multiple images simultaneously and supports various formats, including PPM, XBM, TIFF, etc.

Xpaint 2.5.7 from CNAM
Xpaint Web Page
Xpaint 2.5.3 Screenshots

XPAINT 2.5.3 (31-OCT-1998)

X11 Paint Tool - Author: David Koblas koblas@netcom.com
Maintainers: Scott D. Nelson nelson18@llnl.gov , Torsten Martinsen torsten@image.dk
VAX: DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1 - Alpha: DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2

XPaint is a color image-editing tool that features most standard paint program options. It allows for the editing of multiple images simultaneously and supports various formats, including PPM, XBM, TIFF, etc.

Xpaint 2.5.3 from CNAM
Xpaint Web Page
Xpaint 2.5.3 Screenshots

XPAINT 2.4.7 (7-JAN-1997)

X11 Paint Tool - Author: David Koblas koblas@netcom.com
Maintainers: Scott D. Nelson nelson18@llnl.gov , Torsten Martinsen torsten@image.dk
VAX: DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.1 - Alpha: DEC C 5.0, VMS 6.2

XPaint is a color image-editing tool that features most standard paint program options. It allows for the editing of multiple images simultaneously and supports various formats, including PPM, XBM, TIFF, etc.

Xpaint 2.4.7 from CNAM
Xpaint Web Page

XPAINT 2.1.1 (20-JUN-1994)

X11 Paint Tool - Author: David Koblas koblas@netcom.com
Maintainers: Scott D. Nelson nelson18@llnl.gov , Torsten Martinsen torsten@image.dk
VAX: VAX C 3.2 , VMS 5.5-2, Motif 1.1

XPaint is a color image-editing tool that features most standard paint program options. It allows for the editing of multiple images simultaneously and supports various formats, including PPM, XBM, TIFF, etc.

Xpaint 2.1.1 from CNAM

XV 3.10 A2 (13-AUG-1998)

Multiformat Image Viewer and Color Editor - Author: John Bradley xv@devo.dccs.upenn.edu
Licence: Shareware for personal use only. See README. file for informations.
VAX: DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2 - Alpha: DEC C 5.2, VMS 6.2

XV program displays images in the GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PBM, PGM, PPM, X11 bitmap, Utah Raster Toolkit RLE, PDS/VICAR, Sun Rasterfile, BMP, PCX, IRIS RGB, XPM, Targa, XWD, possibly PostScript, and PM formats on workstations and terminals running the X Window System, Version 11.

XV 3.10 A2 exe (VAX VMS 6.2) from CNAM
XV 3.10 A2 exe (Alpha VMS 6.2) from CNAM
XV 3.10 A2 source from CNAM
John's World of XV 'n' Stuff
XV 3.10 A2 Screenshots

XV 3.10A (3-APR-1995)

Multiformat Image Viewer and Color Editor - Author: John Bradley xv@devo.dccs.upenn.edu
Licence: Shareware for personal use only. See README. file for informations.
VAX: VAX C 3.2, VMS 6.1 - Alpha: DEC C 4.0, VMS 6.1

XV program displays images in the GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PBM, PGM, PPM, X11 bitmap, Utah Raster Toolkit RLE, PDS/VICAR, Sun Rasterfile, BMP, PCX, IRIS RGB, XPM, Targa, XWD, possibly PostScript, and PM formats on workstations and terminals running the X Window System, Version 11.

XV 3.10 A exe (VAX VMS 6.1) from CNAM
XV 3.10 A exe (Alpha VMS 6.1) from CNAM
XV 3.10 A source from CNAM
John's World of XV 'n' Stuff

XV 3.01 (22-SEP-1994)

Multiformat Image Viewer and Color Editor - Author: John Bradley xv@devo.dccs.upenn.edu
Licence: Shareware for personal use only. See README. file for informations.
VAX: VAX C 3.2, VMS 5.5-2 - Alpha: DEC C 4.0, VMS 6.1

XV program displays images in the GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PBM, PGM, PPM, X11 bitmap, Utah Raster Toolkit RLE, PDS/VICAR, Sun Rasterfile, BMP, PCX, IRIS RGB, XPM, Targa, XWD, possibly PostScript, and PM formats on workstations and terminals running the X Window System, Version 11.

XV 3.01 source from CNAM
XV 3.01 screenshot

XV 2.21 (6-MAY-1994)

Multiformat Image Viewer and Color Editor - Author: John Bradley xv@devo.dccs.upenn.edu
Licence: Shareware for personal use only. See README. file for informations.
VAX: VAX C 3.2, VMS 5.5

Old VAX only version of XV. Binaries are provided.

XV 2.21 source from CNAM

(Digital, OpenVMS and DECwindows are trade marks of Hewlett-Packard Company).

   Last Update: May 12 2002    

pmoreau@ath.cena.fr or moreau_p@decus.fr